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How good is Blogspot or Blogger subdomain for SEO or indexing

Noman Matabbor
Blogger is a platform of Google at which you can publish your writings and earn from it, all these processes are free. You are able to use it with a google account. Its a google's self-hosted platform like Youtube. In Youtube, you can publish your video, on the other hand, in Blogger you can publish your contents as a blog post. It provides a blog site with a subdomain for each blog created by the user or publisher. A user with a google account can create about 100 blog site at Blogger. Its internal content management system is so much user friendly though it's an old CMS in the internet era. And also very easy to use for a beginner. Almost all official website of Google is hosted by Blogger like https://googleblog.blogspot.com. So it's still popular and used fairly worldwide. Here is more about how to earn money online by writing using free google Blogger.
SEO for Blogspot or Blogger subdomain

The Blogger free subdomain is like - abc.blogspot.com

You are quite able to earn money with this subdomain without a little money spending. But there are some hindrances of the subdomain. You know Blogger is a child of Google. So it's true that a simple push in your website is enough to get you indexed by Google but other search engines may delay in this. However, 95% of the whole search market is grabbed by Google. So you can remain tension free in this case.

Again, articles with the subdomain from Blogger generally takes a long time to be crawled and indexing by the search engines even Google. Sometimes its goes weeks, even months to crawl and indexing in search engine result page. But a custom domain may decrease this kind of problem.
You can use search engine webmaster tools to index your post. By inspect the URL option at google and submit URL option at Bing, you can do this.

One major problem having a subdomain is that you can't submit your website to the Adsense program manually or directly. You have to wait until eligible by Adsense in Blogger earning tab. But if you are having a custom domain, you are able to submit your website directly at Adsense.

Sometimes Blogspot subdomain may decrease your websites' popularity as it's free and long to type. As its free, many use it in their deceptive work.

However, your website having Blogspot subdomain doesn't damage organic visitors. So if you have a blog site and its visitors are only organic, you can use it. As Blogger is a Google child, it is ranked more easily and Google try to show a Blogspot site among the ten different results in the result page.

About the Author

Noman Matabbor
I am doing BSc Honors in Chemistry. I write about different aspects of chemistry as my academic writing. I also write articles on digital marketing, SEO, web development, product reviews, e-books and lifestyle. I have 2 years of professional writing…


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